If you're looking for space to host your fan or personal website, this might be it.
Here's what you'll get:
- 50MB of disk space, more if you need it;
- A reasonable amount of bandwidth ("reasonable" is open for discussion);
- Your very own subdomain (http://xxxx.beingdrowned.com);
- 5 e-mail addresses (zzzz@beingdrowned.com OR zzzz@xxxx.beingdrowned.com);
- Support for PHP, MySQL, CGI, etc.
Here's what I need from you:
- A link back to beingdrowned.com;
- Basic knowledge of web/graphic design (or someone who'll do it for you);
- Basic knowledge of FTP.
- Of course, if you really wanted to pay me (in paid LiveJournal time, cookies, presents, money, etc.) I certainly wouldn't stop you. However, I absolutely don't expect it.
That sounds amazing! Where do I sign up?
Just e-mail me with the following:
- Your name and e-mail address;
- What sort of site you're making;
- A link to a site you've made that will show me you're capable of designing things that are not horrific - or, if you're going to have someone else do the design, a link to their site;
- A haiku (or other formal poem of your choosing) that tells me something interesting about you. A haiku, by the way, has three lines - five syllables in line 1, seven in line 2, and five in line 3.